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This page describes how we install stoves in our yurts, it does not consistute advice. Final decisions about and responsibility for installations remain with the customer.


 Lighting a fire in a yurt is dangerous  and you do so at your own risk. Please speak with a professional regarding the installation of a stove and always follow their advice. 

Equipment Needed for Install

High Temperature Silicon Flue Collar Made from heat resistant silicon that will when cut to size form a waterproof seal around your flue.  Available in many sizes. Choose the size that best fits your flue diameter. 

High Temperature Silicon Flue Collar

Backing Plate & Bolts - Inner diameter needs to be slightly bigger than the outer dimeter of your flue. Outer diameter needs to be larger than the outer diameter of the silicon flue collar in order to deflect heat away from the PVC 

Backing plate for silicon flue collar

cover it will be fitted into. This is traditionally made from metal but we prefer to use 3mm thick polycarbonate as it has high heat resistance and is transparent. 

Twin wall flue - We always recomend the installation of twin wall flue as the flue will pass close to woodwork and fabric layers, an insulated flue significantly cuts down on the amount of heat given off. 

Twin wall flue

Support Bracket for flue - As the only thing holding the flue in place is the rain cap a support bracket is needed. Without a support bracket your flue will move in the wind and place a great deal of strain on the rain cap which will significantly shortern it's lifespan. 

Flue support bracket

Silicon Sealer - Good quaity exterior grade silicon sealer, preferably in clear

Where to Install

There is no hard and fast rule about where a stove should be installed in a yurt. Some prefer to the siide with flue exiting through the roof or wall. Our preference is for the stove to be placed centrally in the yurt with the flue exiting through the crown wheel. There are many reason for this and we have listed some of them below

1. The most efficient place to heat a circluar structure from is the middle, as it provides even heat distribution

2. The Crown Wheel provides a ready made aperture for a stove flue to pass through

3. There is only a single layer of clear PVC for the flue to pass through.

4. As every part of the installation is in clear view, any leaks or drips are easy to spot and fix. 

How to Install

Attach backing plate to silicon flue collar

Cut your silicon flue collar to the correct diameter based on your flue size. It is VERY IMPORTANT that this cut is done cleanly in one smooth cut with no jagged or rough edges as these will become a point of weakness where it will in th future split.

Place backing plate behind silicon flue collar and drill holes to attach the two together. We recommend eight holes and bolts. North, South, East and West with one more in-between each. Insert a bolt in each hole as it is drilled. IMPORTANT: No matter how hard you try to drill  holes equidistantly you will not succeed. This means the holes will only align in the backing plate and flue collar in the exact orientation as when they were originally drilled. Add a piece of masking tape to the same hole in the flue collar and backing plate to ensure easy and correct alignment for later in the process.


Cut Hole in rain cap

Seperate the silicon flue collar and backing plate. With the rain cap correctly positioned on the yurt and all ropes tightened fast, decide which of the triangular opening in the crown wheel the flue will exit through. Traditionally this would be one of the two closest to the door. Other locations will bring the hot flue too close to the crown supports. Place the backing plate against the PVC of the rain cap in the triangular section you have decided the flue will exit through. Ensure the INSIDE CIRCLE is an equal distance from all woodwork as the inner circle represents where the hot flue will pass. Once you are confident it is in the correct position use a pen to draw a circle on the rain cap following the INSIDE edge of the backing plate. Remove rain cap and cut this circel out of the rain cap 2-3mm bigger than the circle drawn. 


Attaching Silicon flue collar & backing plate to rain cap

Place backing plate on rain cap with the inner circle equidistant over the circle you have just cut. Use a marker pen to mark the holes you previously drilled in the backing plate onto the rain cap. IMPORTANT: Before you remove the backing plate from the rain cap add another piece of tape to the rain cap that aligns with the piece previously attached to the backing plate in order to easily align again later. The eight points you marked onto the rain cap now need to be drilled in order for the bolts to pass through. Drilling produces a nice clean hole. Ensure the hole is only just big enough for your bolts to pass through. A nice tight fit is preffered to a loose one. Placing a piece of wood behind each hole when drilling will help. 

With all holes drilled you can now place the silicon flue collar on the outerside of the rain cap and the backing plate on the inside. Using the tape on all three items to correctly align the holes you can now insert the eight bolts, attach nuts as loosly as possible at this point as you do not want to clamp the flue collar onto the rain cap at this point. With all eight bolts in place you will now inject silicon sealer between the silicon flue collar and rain cap. With a good thick bead of silicon sealer between the two surfaces you can now tighten the bolts together. This will squeeze silicon sealer out, remove excess but also try to use any excess to create a smooth seal between the outer edge of the silicon flue collar and the rain cap. Remove all excess from the inner circle. 



Once silicon sealer has had time to set replace rain cap on the yurt in roughly the correct position. Insert flue through the silicon flue collar. Wetting flue collar with water and sometimes a small dab of washing up liquid can help as it should be a tight fit. If you are going to install a rain cowl on the top of the flue puipe now i the time to do it. Ensure flue and rain cap are in the correct position before tieing off all ropes. Once in the correct position you can now attach the support bracket to the flue and position the "feet" of the support bracket against the inside edge of the crown wheel. Screw support bracket to the crown wheel. 


Check for any leaks the first time it rains. 


Allow silicon sealer to dry 100% before lighting stove. increase temperature in stove slowly in order to observe installlation is correct. 



backing plate aligned to rain cap
Cutting hole in rain cap
Fluecollar aligned on rain cap

Silicon flue collar (Sprayed Green) with clear polycarbonate backing plate

Rain cap taken off the yurt in order to cut hole with scissors

Backing plate positioned on rain cap in order to mark bolt holes

Drilling holes in rain cap for bolts

Drilling holes in rain cap for bolt holes

Yurt Stove install complete

The finished  installation


Ulaantaij Mongolia Ltd

Bayanzurkh District

5th Khoroo 

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia




Tel: +976 9918 2077



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